Saturday 2 July 2016

How to get employed in a job interview

     Interview are meetings where questions are asked by a person
(interviewer) from another person (interviewee) to get some
It is formal meeting in which an applicant is asked questions to determine their suitability for a particular job. Also as a formal meeting in which one or more persons consult, question, or evaluate another person.
    Most interview are formal and few are informal.

Job interview: this type of interview is normally arranged to select competent people to fill some vacancies in an organization.

Things to know before going for interview.
  • Study the company: when going for interview you should have a detailed information and knowledge about the company examples is the status of the company, history, product and services of the company e.t.c.
  • Details of the job: have the idea of the post you are going for, know their requirement, salary range, what skills is required etc
  • The size of the company, whether small, medium or large. know if they have branch for any of them.
  • Prayer is very important in everyone's life, pray ahead of the interview date.
  • Appear in a properly dressed and well groomed for interview. Put on cloth that is not too flashy or draw attention of people. Dress moderate 
All cloth must be neatly ironed.
Clean, polished, shinning conservative shoes.
No candy, cigarette or candy
Few Cologne or perfume
Clean, descent and well groomed hairstyle
For men. Brown or black shoe, dark socks, reduce your beard mustaches, no earrings, no chain is required.
For women
Put on a suit with a jacket, put on a moderate high heeled or platform shoes to avoid unnecessary noise.
Moderate makeup
Do not use heavy perfume.
  • Arrive at the interview venue at the right time. Try to reach there in an hour to the schedule time
  • Greet the people on sit when you enter the interview venue.
  • Be smart, confident, don't be nervous, put on a smiling face, and be fully prepared to answer most interviewers question. Example of question you may be ask is why do you want to work for us, why do you change your job etc
  • Do not sit until you are asked to sit down
  • Do not go in with a brought voice. Speak clearly and not too fast. Let the interviewer hear and understand what what you are saying.
  • Avoid any means of distraction like tapping of the pen, interviewers discussion, dragging of legs etc
  • Gaze should be directed at the interviewer. Look straight into their eye, it shows how bold you are.
  • Answers should be provided according to the question asked
  • Be honesty, fair, and share your experiences with them.

Some likely question to be ask by the interviewer.

Tell us about yourself. At this point you are you are expected to tell them your name, age, your discipline I.e what you study in school and where you finished studying, etc

Do you think you will fit well into our organization. You should talk about your goals, how you imbibe trust and openness, share your working experience written down in your CV etc

Why should we hire you. what they expect you  to tell them is your honesty, devotion, capability, handwork etc

Why do you want to leave your present job. Be alert, at this point don't talk about your bad experience of your current job, don't spoil the company. The most suitable reply for this types of a question is that you want a change.

How will you rate me as an interviewer. You are not in the right position to rate him. because if you do that can disqualified you from getting employed.

Where would you find yourself in next 6 years. tell them none of your plans in life like how you want to further your education in the next 2 or 3 years. They just want to know if you will leave their company for another. How devotional and serious you will be.

Things to do after job interview.

  • You started with a prayer, so you have to end it also with a prayer unto the lord.
  • keep yourself update about the result of the interview. Do follow up and don't let them know how desperate you want the job
  • apply for another job. don't rely on the interview you did if the result is not yet out. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice write up.. .but I'll have to go through again. .

